Hosting Private Gems

Setting up Gemfast to host private gems and make them available to install.

Gemfast supports uploading via gem push or gem inabox commands. Once pushed, the gems can be installed via bundle install or gem install.

Creating a Private Gems Token

In order to install and manage private gems on a Gemfast server, a private gems token is required. Private gem tokens can be generated after successfully logging in to a Gemfast server.

Private gem tokens are different from the JWT token that authenticates users to the /admin/api/v1 endpoints.

To login, run the following cURL command:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"username": "USERNAME", "password": "PASSWORD"}' \

You must replace:

  • GEMFAST_HOST with the hostname of your self-hosted Gemfast server.
  • USERNAME with your Gemfast username.
  • PASSWORD with your Gemfast password.

Save the token for the next request:

  "code": 200,
  "expire": "2023-07-12T03:18:11-04:00",
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2ODkxNDYyOTEsImlkIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJvcmlnX2lhdCI6MTY4OTEwMzA5MSwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluIn0.PZ_B8pqxqN9-hQfKQ5F0rHXmlNybQYByaeLSMHPaMog"

Next, generate a token for that will be used by bundler or the gem command to authenticate with gemfast:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN' \

You must replace:

  • JWT_TOKEN with the token value from above.

The token field in the response is the private gem token which can be used with RubyGems and bundler.

  "username": "bobvance",
  "token": "o8xh5cjai32tyn6gv9wzsdmru0fk71e4"

Authenticating with a Private Gems Token

Gemfast supports tokens with granular permissions. A user’s role determines what they can do with a private gems token. By default, read users can only install gems and write users can both install and publish new gems. Only an admin user can delete (yank) private gems.

Publishing Private Gems to Gemfast

In order to push gems to Gemfast, add an entry to ~/.gem/credentials.


You must replace:

  • USERNAME with your Gemfast username.
  • TOKEN with your Gemfast private gems token.

Installing Private Gems from Gemfast

To install gems, you need to authenticate using your private gems token by updating your gem sources to include https://USERNAME:TOKEN@GEMFAST_HOST/NAMESPACE.

To use private gems with bundler, add a source scope to your Gemfile:

source ""

gem "rails"

  gem "GEM_NAME"

You must replace:

  • GEMFAST_HOST with the hostname of your self-hosted Gemfast server.
  • USERNAME with your Gemfast username.
  • TOKEN with your Gemfast private gems token.
  • NAMESPACE with the value of private_gems_namespace from /etc/gemfast/gemfast.hcl. By default the namespace is private

It is also possible to set the USERNAME and TOKEN values in the bundler configuration so they are not present in the Gemfile:


Another way is to provide multiple sources in your Gemfile which will be checked in order of occurence. In the following example, Gemfast private gems will be used over gems from RubyGems if they exist on the Gemfast server.

source ""

gem "rails"
gem "GEM_NAME"

If you need to install private gems without bundler, Gemfast also works with the gem CLI:


You can also set the source globally so the --source flag does not need to be specified when installing gems:


Publishing a Private Gem to Gemfast

Gemfast supports the existing RubyGems API for publishing gems.

To publish a gem, first build it using the gem CLI:

gem build GEM_NAME.gemspec

Next, push the gem:

gem push --key gemfast \

You must replace:

  • GEMFAST_HOST with the hostname of your self-hosted Gemfast server.
  • NAMESPACE with the value of private_gems_namespace from /etc/gemfast/gemfast.hcl. By default the namespace is private

Gemfast also supports “Gem in a Box” style uploads:

gem install geminabox


You must replace:

  • GEMFAST_HOST with the hostname of your self-hosted Gemfast server.
  • USERNAME with your Gemfast username.
  • TOKEN with your Gemfast private gems token.
  • NAMESPACE with the value of private_gems_namespace from /etc/gemfast/gemfast.hcl. By default the namespace is private

Deleting a Private Gem from Gemfast

Gemfast supports the existing RubyGems API for yanking gems.

To delete (yank) a private gem, use the gem CLI:

gem yank --key gemfast \

You must replace:

  • GEMFAST_HOST with the hostname of your self-hosted Gemfast server.
  • NAMESPACE with the value of private_gems_namespace from /etc/gemfast/gemfast.hcl. By default the namespace is private

It is also possible to delete a private gem using the API directly.

curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: JWT_TOKEN' \

You must replace:

  • JWT_TOKEN with the token value received from a successful login to /admin/api/v1/login.
  • GEMFAST_HOST with the hostname of your self-hosted Gemfast server.
  • USERNAME with your Gemfast username.
  • TOKEN with your Gemfast private gems token.
  • NAMESPACE with the value of private_gems_namespace from /etc/gemfast/gemfast.hcl. By default the namespace is private

Gem Mirroring and Caching
Local Auth